Speaker: Richard Sheppard
A ‘behind-the-scenes’ look at Bolsover Castle by an archaeologist who spent a good part of his career investigating the site, from its medieval beginnings to its 17th century heyday, and beyond to the time it came into the possession of the Ministry of Works and later English Heritage.
Richard is a ‘retired’ archaeologist who was a one-time illustrator, projects manager and buildings’ surveyor for Trent & Peak Archaeology (now renamed as part of York Archaeology). Between 1990-2012 he undertook a series of watching briefs and targeted investigations at Bolsover Castle for English Heritage; this included a lot of activity during a major re-vamp to the property in 1998-2000. Like the historian and TV pundit Lucy Worsley, who was an English Heritage Inspector responsible for the site during that time, Richard retains a fondness and a high regard for Bolsover Castle, considering it to be one of the most important, if somewhat quirky, historic monuments we have in the Midlands.
Organised by the Architecture Section