
Society Rules

The Derbyshire Archaeological Society is a Registered Charity No.225031. Our governing document is the set of rules that were agreed when the society was founded in 1878 and amended at various dates thereafter, most recently in 2015 and lodged with the Charity Commission for England and Wales.

Members are provided with a copy of the rules when they join the society. Click here to download a copy in PDF format.

Amend Members' Details

This online form enables members to submit amendments to their name (s), their address, their contact details and their GDPR preferences. Members have to provide their name and post code to identify themselves and provide an optional email address for confirmation of the changes having been made to the Membership file.

Members select first which details they wish to amend and then the appropriate input fields are displayed to accept the amendments. Click on the Submit button to send the requested changes to the Membership Secretary when all the changes have been input.


As a registered charity, we can claim Gift Aid on subscriptions and donations from our members who pay UK income tax or capital gains tax. If you are eligible and have not already done so, please complete a Gift Aid Declaration by clicking the button below.


Annual subscription (£28) is payable 15 January, preferably by Banker’s Order to CAF Bank 40-52-40 account 00032054.

You can also send a cheque to our Honorary Treasurer, Mrs. J. Heginbotham, 59 Hickton Road, Swanwick, Alfreton, Derbyshire,  DE55 1AG.

Pilling Grant Request

This online form enables a member to apply for a Pilling grant.