
< 2025 >
March 14
  • 14
    March 14, 2025

    Investigating hillforts in Derbyshire and across the northern Midlands

    19:30 -21:00
    Darley Lane, Derby, DE1 3AX

    Speaker: Graham Guilbert

    The aim will be to explore something of what we know of hillforts in this region, covering considerable variety in their form and density of distribution, and extending west from Derbyshire into the Welsh Marches.  Only a few instances have been investigated sufficiently thoroughly and extensively to allow any confidence in interpretation, and those few can lead us into consideration of certain themes and issues having great influence upon general understanding of hillforts. Graeme’s first engagement with hillforts came in the late 60s, through excavating at Cadbury Castle in Somerset, thereafter focusing upon forts in Wales and its Marches, and more recently extending to those in Derbyshire.  He is never more content than when trying to get to grips with the earthworks of a fort located on some remote hilltop.