
The Society produces a small number of publications throughout the year – the Derbyshire Archaeological Journal, Derbyshire Miscellany and a Newsletter. Brief details of each publication are included below and more detailed information including access to back numbers is available by using the menu items to the left.


The Derbyshire Archaeological Journal is produced on an annual basis and members receive a free copy as part of their membership.


Derbyshire Miscellany is a local history publication and is produced twice a year (Spring and Autumn) comprising articles relevant to Derbyshire. The publication is an A4 stapled booklet normally comprising around 24 pages with 3-4 articles in each edition. Miscellany is also free to individual members and is available to Institutions for £8 per annum (Overseas £12).


The Society Newsletter is produced on a six monthly basis (January and July) and is free to download from the website. The newsletter is in an A5 PDF format with news of society activities, reports of talks and visits and other information of interest to members.

Maps and Gazetteers

As well as the regular periodicals listed above, the society has published a selection of historic maps and gazetteers that are available for purchase. We also have some electronic publications that are free to download as PDFs.
