St. Mary’s Church Hall

Location:Darley Lane, Derby, DE1 3AX

Upcoming events

  • 28/02/2025 19:30 - 28/02/2025 21:00

    Speaker: Amy Bracey

    In February 2024 an extensive archive came up for auction. Within its pages the daily workings and the lives of the workers are documented. Drawings, photographs and letters bring to life the people who worked for Holmes of Derby - a company who expanded to other towns and to the great coach making city of London. Spanning 150 years of a 500 year coach making history, the archive is of international importance. The talk will give an insight to the company history and explore the items within the archive. Amy Bracey has a degree in Art History and Heritage Management and has worked with museum collections relating to canals, archaeology and decorative arts, but her love of carriages became a career when working for the National Trust, cataloguing their carriage collection. She now works as Project Curator for The Carriage Foundation, an educational charity, and advises museums and individuals across the globe on the care, conservation, history and research of horse-drawn carriages.

  • 07/03/2025 19:30 - 07/03/2025 21:00

    Speaker: James Foulds

    James will talk about the Foulds family which has been at the heart of Derby business and its musical life over four generations.

    Organised by the Local History Section

  • 14/03/2025 19:30 - 14/03/2025 21:00

    Speaker: Graham Guilbert

    The aim will be to explore something of what we know of hillforts in this region, covering considerable variety in their form and density of distribution, and extending west from Derbyshire into the Welsh Marches.  Only a few instances have been investigated sufficiently thoroughly and extensively to allow any confidence in interpretation, and those few can lead us into consideration of certain themes and issues having great influence upon general understanding of hillforts. Graeme’s first engagement with hillforts came in the late 60s, through excavating at Cadbury Castle in Somerset, thereafter focusing upon forts in Wales and its Marches, and more recently extending to those in Derbyshire.  He is never more content than when trying to get to grips with the earthworks of a fort located on some remote hilltop.

  • 04/04/2025 19:30 - 05/04/2025 21:00

    Speaker: Tony Brooks (speaker on Zoom)

    DAS member Tony Brookes will discuss the project DigVentures which ran last year, including the training the participants received and their use of LIDAR and satellite imaging to capture where peat had been extracted in the Kinder Scout area which now is owned by The National Trust.